
Southern Africa Regional Climate Services Workshop

The first Southern Africa Regional Climate Services Workshop took place in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, from 29 November to 2 December 2016.


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Alle Schweizer Bundesbehörden


(Copyright: Christopher Griner / Flickr)

Representatives from 12 Southern African meteorological services and further relevant stakeholders convened in the first Regional Climate Services Workshop for Southern Africa. Together with national and regional users of climate services, they entered into a dialogue on the GFCS priority areas agriculture and food security, as well as disaster risk reduction.

The workshop participants discussed possibilities to enhance the availability and quality of climate services in Southern Africa by addressing the entire value chain from supply to demand of climate services. Exchanging successful examples and promoting the benefits of regional cooperation was central in their talks. Recommendations were formulated on how to build upon the good progress made in recent years, in order to exploit the full potential of climate information for the selected priority areas. Overall, the workshop contributed to further consolidate Southern African climate service capacities, thereby supporting the implementation of the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) in the region.

The workshop was jointly organized by MeteoSwiss, the GFCS Office at the World Meteorological Organization, the Meteorological Services Department of Zimbabwe and Deutscher Wetterdienst (Germany‘s National Meteorological Service).

Final Report

Announcements and Programme